Research@iSummit 2008 (Jul 29 - Aug 1)
Slowly but surely we are approaching the time of this year's iSummit, the largest annual event of the Creative Commons and related communities. But this year will be different. Firstly, this is the first time the event takes place in Asia, in Sapporo in particular. Secondly, this is the first time the event will host a research workshop, called the First Interdisciplinary Research Workshop on Free Culture, a chance for any researcher who is working on commons-related issues to present his/her work in front of an audience of academic peers while also taking part in a larger conference which attracts some of the leading thinkers and practitioners shaping the future of the Internet. For more info on the research workshop you can access the call for papers on the summit website.
Data and visualizations
We have uploaded our latest writing on remix culture, which includes some of the first ever visualizations of large-scale remix activity, using data from the ccMixter online community. You can find the paper in our working papers section. Several data plots are also provided separately in our visualizations section, so check it out. Also, you can now find all the CC jurisdiction scores that we presented at the last iSummit, based on Yahoo backlink counts, in the data section.

ISEA (Jul 25 - Aug 3)
Singapore will host the 2008 International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA 2008). According to the website, ISEA is…
…the world’s premier media arts event for the critical discussion and showcase of creative productions applying new technologies in interactive and digital media.
If you look for the invited panels at ISEA you will find that there will be a panel on Creative Commons, organized by CAPTEL. We will be there and actively participating at the panel and otherwise at ISEA.
ACIA (Jan 19-20)
We will present some of our findings and thoughts on licensing attitudes in Asia at the International Workshop on Asia and Commons in the Information Age (ACIA) in Taipei, Jan 19-20, at Academia Sinica. Go to the ACIA website to learn more about the event and do join if you are in the region or just interested in the future of free culture and CC in Asia. Tyng-Ruey Chuang and the rest of the team in Taiwan have put together a great lineup of speakers.